If you've found your way here, you may already know that my name is Bill and I enjoy writing songs about God. If you did not know that, well now you do. I hope to be faithful with the songs I write. I'm not sure I know how to do that, but I think this website is a start. It contains the lyrics, chord charts, mp3's, even the stories behind the songs. And it is all free to you. So look around. Enjoy. And thanks for stopping by.
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God of Power

download chord chart // download mp3

God of power, God of thunder
God of fear, God of wonder

The rolling storm tells of Your might
The mountains, Your majesty
The blazing sun, it shines Your light
The ocean tells of the depth of Your mystery

Every heart bow down, every soul be still
You can not comprehend
A God who stoops down low to gaze at the heav’ns above
So great is He, so grand

God of wind, God of rain
God of justice, God of grace

(chorus 2)
O my heart bow down, O my soul be still
You can not comprehend
A God who stoops down low, to reach past the heavens above
To pick me up in His hand


I wrote this song while visiting the Gulf Coast 10 months after Hurricane Katrina hit. 10 months had passed and I naively assumed that life had gotten back to normal...at least for the most part. I mean, CNN's coverage had long since stopped; it wasn't on the cover of Time or Newsweek anymore; Sean Penn was no longer roaming the streets with a shotgun and personal press photographer...I had just stopped hearing about it.

But oh my goodness. The state of destruction the coast was in 10 months after Katrina was unreal. I wish I could explain it...but there really are no words. It literally will take decades to rebuild.

And what is most amazing is that this same coast was hit by an extremely large hurricane in 1904, and then again by Hurricane Camille in 1969 (and of course, many smaller ones in between). These people had learned how to live in that environment. Their buildings and houses were built to withstand hurricanes. Steel frames, cement fencing, of lots trees to cushion the impact. They had very serious codes, regulations, and safety precautions for building anything that close to the coast...because they knew the destructive power of hurricanes.

Or at least they thought they did.

One afternoon, I drove along the coast on Highway 90 (the Pacific Coast Highway of the Gulf Coast), basically from New Orleans to Long Beach, MS. I literally drove the path of the hurricane.

At one point, I stopped and sat on a chunk of what used to be a boardwalk. I sat there for quite awhile, in complete silence, looking at the tree tops sticking up out of the water. It was surreal and overwhelming.

The power of that storm is incomprehensible. Man could do nothing in the face of its wind and its waves.

One of my favorite images of God in the Bible comes from Psalm 113:5-7.

Who is like the LORD our God,
the One who sits enthroned on high,

who stoops down to look
on the heavens and the earth?

The heavens, in case you were unaware, are above. They are "up there"; the stars, the sky...the heavens. God is so high, so far above, that he stoops to look at the heavens...which again, are above us. Like a small child stooping to look at a bug on the sidewalk, God stoops to look at the heavens. I love that picture of God.

God is a big God; God is a powerful God; God is a God we can neither control nor comprehend...much like that storm.